Friday, July 08, 2005

The Legendary....

"To put it in gentleman's terms, if you've been out for a night and you're looking for a young lady and you pull one, you've done what you set out to do. We didn't look our best today but we've pulled. Some weeks the lady is good looking and some weeks they're not. Our performance today would have been not the best looking bird but at least we got her in the taxi. She may not have been the best looking lady we ended up taking home but it was still very pleasant and very nice, so thanks very much and let's have coffee"

Ian Holloway Post Match Quote Following QPR Win Over Chesterfield

me! Posted by Picasa

Ary watches birds in Essouira Posted by Picasa

Guarda! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Chris does Rome! Posted by Picasa